I told you about a new site on the web, but now I want to go into more detail about it.
It's a site I did to try and help churches bring in more visitors by having one central location to post any event that might be happening. The name of the site is Local Christian Event Calendar. I got tired of having to look all over the place to find out what is going on where at the churches in my area, as well as where various singing groups were performing. And once I get it off the ground, it will be a great source for this kind of information.
If you've never started your own site, let me tell you it can be very time consumming! Between finding other sites to link to it, calling churches and singing groups to advertise on it, it's been slow going. But I know God had a hand in this, (and still does), so it will prosper, I just have to be patient. I ask that you be patient also with this site. I'm getting word out about it and really believe that it will be a great site one day with a lot of information on local Christian events. Just keep my site in your prayers as I'll keep you in mine as you read this.
God be with you always.