I just wanted to take a few minutes to let everyone know that the family is going on vacation soon. We're going to Florida to see my new nephew. I can't wait to hold that little bundle of joy in my arms! If for some reason you don't hear from me, that is why.
I also wanted to share the link to my other sister's wedding. The link is Mary's Wedding. You'll get to see her children as well. I've got some handsome neices and nephews. At least I think so anyway. I've asked everyone else to start a photo album so I can share those with you as will. As I get the links, I'll share them with you.
Pray for me and my family while we're gone. Pray that the Lord keeps us safe during our trip.
Know that my prayers are with you as you read this. I pray that you are safe and happy. If you ever need me to add you to my prayers personally, just drop me an email and I will.
God's blessings with you always.