At the beginning of August, I received a letter from an organization that's called People-to-People, and in case you're not fimiliar with this organization, it's in charge of the Student Ambassador program. Anyway, Devin, my oldest son, has been recommended for this program. When we first received this letter, I honestly thought it was a form letter that was sent out to all new 5th and 6th graders, so to make sure, I called them and found out that a child has to be recommended to be sent this letter. Needless to say, I was so proud of him for that. The fact that someone thought that much of my son, just thrills me no end. Also, this will count for high school and college credit. I already know that Devin is going to college because he's has that mentality already. And no, it's not just because I'm his mother, I know my son if smart, if he'll apply himself.
So to brag on him some, I've set up a small site to tell you about it. Through this program, he'll be able to visit all kinds of different places in Europe, places that I would love to go to. Anyway, go to his site and check it out.
God Bless and I hope you have a great day.