I've been searching for someone to help me do some of these crafts to sell on my site, one of the people that called, we've become good friends since we've started to talk. Her name is Sherry Brooks. Anyway, the reason I'm telling you this is because she made mention that Lowe's might be willing to give me some of the kids crafts for the children I send to. So I went up there today just to see. Guess what! This store manager was so nice about it. I told him what I did and why I was there, I, of course, told him that I wasn't non-profit but he gave me the projects anyway. I've got 9 projects to send to certain children. I haven't made up my mind as to which ones will get them because there are so many to choose from, but I thought it was so nice of Lowe's to give these to me, most especially since I'm not a non-profit organization. I completely understand why people are leary of giving to someone that isn't. It's to easy to say you do this or you do that just to see what you can get out of it, but this didn't seem to bother him. He accepted my at my word. So if you know a child that qualifies for one of these, Please let me know. I don't want to keep these here. I want to have these gone as soon as possible.
God's blessings to you all.