I realize that it's easier for you to run a smear campaign, but we would much prefer that you tell us what issues you stand for and how you actually intend to help the American people. Contrary to popular opinion, we are actually intelligent people and will understand what you're talking about. We want to know your feelings on the real issues. What your opponent has or hasn't done is not what we consider a real issue. How you intend to stop illegal aliens from taking over our country is a real issue. How you intend to bring gas prices down to a reasonable price is a real issue. How you intend to stop all of our jobs from going overseas is a real issue. Why can you not stand up for a real issue and actually do what you say you will?
We may not always do the best for ourselves, but we don't need you telling us what that is. All you can do is give us that information and let us take it from there. If we mess up, then we pay the consequences.
We've let you take our freedoms from us and now I say that it's time to take them back. It's time to stand up for the rights and freedoms the founding fathers intended for us to have and the politicians that we have to choose from aren't the answer.
For once I would like a politician that doesn't talk out of both sides of your mouth. If you make a promise I expect you to keep it. I expect you to actually do what is best for the USA, not how much money you have in your pocket. If you can't do that, we'll put someone in there that we think will. If that person doesn't we'll just find someone else.
It's time the American people took our nation back. It's time we stand up for ourselves. I intend to start now.
May God bless you and help you do what is right.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Here is some wonderful news
At the beginning of August, I received a letter from an organization that's called People-to-People, and in case you're not fimiliar with this organization, it's in charge of the Student Ambassador program. Anyway, Devin, my oldest son, has been recommended for this program. When we first received this letter, I honestly thought it was a form letter that was sent out to all new 5th and 6th graders, so to make sure, I called them and found out that a child has to be recommended to be sent this letter. Needless to say, I was so proud of him for that. The fact that someone thought that much of my son, just thrills me no end. Also, this will count for high school and college credit. I already know that Devin is going to college because he's has that mentality already. And no, it's not just because I'm his mother, I know my son if smart, if he'll apply himself.
So to brag on him some, I've set up a small site to tell you about it. Through this program, he'll be able to visit all kinds of different places in Europe, places that I would love to go to. Anyway, go to his site and check it out.
God Bless and I hope you have a great day.
So to brag on him some, I've set up a small site to tell you about it. Through this program, he'll be able to visit all kinds of different places in Europe, places that I would love to go to. Anyway, go to his site and check it out.
God Bless and I hope you have a great day.
Monday, July 03, 2006
Have sooo much to tell you about!!!!
The first thing I want to tell you about is a Sunday School class that saved for one quarter and sent a donation for my program. The donation was over $70. That in and of itself is amazing, but what makes it more amazing is that the students are only 4 and 5 year olds. Here is a picture of the class so you can see these students. I'm not sure what order the students are in, but here is a list of the students. Paige, Smai, Rachel, Emily, Cassie, Julia, Rachel, Alex, Dylan, Dakota, Eli, Davis, Garrett, Lauren, Amanda, Macy, Mady, Terik, Zach, Chloe, Cale, Rose and Olivia. I really want to thank these children for their help. It's nice to see children trying to help other children and it really touched me when I received their gift. They also sent me a lot of Veggie Tales coloring pages to use, so I hope everyone likes these because I'll be using them soon.
Here's the other thing I wanted to tell you about. We went to Panama City Beach for our vacation to visit my sister. I'm sure I've told you about her. Her son's name is Jay and he's 2 and 1/2 now, I can't forget the 1/2 because she won't let me. Anyway, we had a great time. We rode on the Sea Dragon and if you have children and happen to be in that area, it's well worth it. For two hours they keep the children occupied and the parents can actually relax without having to worry about what they are into, and they loved it. The theme is all about pirates. They have sword fights, tattos, watergun fights, shooting cannons, and my favorite, seeing dolphins. This is good clean fun for the whole family and no, I'm not being paid for this. I really enjoyed it and so did the whole family.
I hope you have a safe and happy 4th of July. God Bless.
Here's the other thing I wanted to tell you about. We went to Panama City Beach for our vacation to visit my sister. I'm sure I've told you about her. Her son's name is Jay and he's 2 and 1/2 now, I can't forget the 1/2 because she won't let me. Anyway, we had a great time. We rode on the Sea Dragon and if you have children and happen to be in that area, it's well worth it. For two hours they keep the children occupied and the parents can actually relax without having to worry about what they are into, and they loved it. The theme is all about pirates. They have sword fights, tattos, watergun fights, shooting cannons, and my favorite, seeing dolphins. This is good clean fun for the whole family and no, I'm not being paid for this. I really enjoyed it and so did the whole family.
I hope you have a safe and happy 4th of July. God Bless.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Been Very Busy
I want to apologize for not posting lately. Both my boys decided that they had to play baseball this year and if you've never done this before, like us, it's hard to imagine how busy it will keep you. Let me explain:
Tryouts - Imagine being in a small gym with over 100 screaming children all wanting to try out for baseball and only a handful at a time are trying out. The rest are left to play until it's their turn.
Practice - When things first were first decided, we were scheduled to have practice for both boys on Tuesday from 4:00 to 5:30 and from 5:30 to 7:00, then my youngest was given to a new coach and his practice time was changed to Monday and Friday from 7:00 to 8:30. Sometimes they had to practice on Saturday, especially my oldest son's team, and if you knew the coach, you'd understand. Having them practice so much usually wouldn't have been such a hard time but most of the practices we sat there watching while trying not to freeze to death or at least feeling like it anyway.
Games - Now comes the fun part, watching my boys play. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but the games were usually Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays with practice thrown in whenever they could find a field open. And since Marcus's team usually had practice so late, it was easy for them, so the Monday and Friday practice was usually on. We even had a few Wednesday practices for both of them.
Concession stand duty - On top of all the other times we had to be there, each parent was supposed to help in the concession stand, which i have to do tonight. Something I'm really looking forward to (yeah right). The only good thing is Devin really wants to help, so he'll be going with me.
Now the regular season is over and we have county tournaments. Marcus's team has already lost 2 games and are out, but Devin's team has won both games and has to play again tomorrow night. But - Marcus has made the T-Ball All Stars team so we have to find out when that happens, and we're scheduled to go on vacation soon, and since we're already reserved rooms and such, we can't change them. But I'm proud of both my boys. Neither one has ever played before or even knew anything about baseball so I have to say they both have done a great job. Devin has finally gotten to where he'll hit the ball during games, and he's doing so much better fielding than he used to. Needless to say, Marcus took to it like a duck to water.
But it has been benefitial for both of them. Devin has learned that if you get hit by the ball, it may hurt for a little while, but the pain goes away, he's been hit twice in the side of the head (thank God for helmets) and the side while trying to bat, once in the thigh while running from second to third, and once in the mouth while trying to catch a pop fly after it bounced off the ground. I have to say though, he was a trooper each time. He kept playing and never let it bother him. When he got hit in the mouth, he threw it to second right after it happened and never expected practice to stop. I was so proud of him and at the same time it took everything in me to not run out there and check on him, but I didn't. He was with the guys and didn't need momma babiing him. I may not like it, but I understand it. I let the coach make sure he was okay and stayed sitting on the bleachers. Even the coach was impressed by him that day.
Anyway, I'm about to go to town in a little while. I hope you have a blessed day.
Tryouts - Imagine being in a small gym with over 100 screaming children all wanting to try out for baseball and only a handful at a time are trying out. The rest are left to play until it's their turn.
Practice - When things first were first decided, we were scheduled to have practice for both boys on Tuesday from 4:00 to 5:30 and from 5:30 to 7:00, then my youngest was given to a new coach and his practice time was changed to Monday and Friday from 7:00 to 8:30. Sometimes they had to practice on Saturday, especially my oldest son's team, and if you knew the coach, you'd understand. Having them practice so much usually wouldn't have been such a hard time but most of the practices we sat there watching while trying not to freeze to death or at least feeling like it anyway.
Games - Now comes the fun part, watching my boys play. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but the games were usually Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays with practice thrown in whenever they could find a field open. And since Marcus's team usually had practice so late, it was easy for them, so the Monday and Friday practice was usually on. We even had a few Wednesday practices for both of them.
Concession stand duty - On top of all the other times we had to be there, each parent was supposed to help in the concession stand, which i have to do tonight. Something I'm really looking forward to (yeah right). The only good thing is Devin really wants to help, so he'll be going with me.
Now the regular season is over and we have county tournaments. Marcus's team has already lost 2 games and are out, but Devin's team has won both games and has to play again tomorrow night. But - Marcus has made the T-Ball All Stars team so we have to find out when that happens, and we're scheduled to go on vacation soon, and since we're already reserved rooms and such, we can't change them. But I'm proud of both my boys. Neither one has ever played before or even knew anything about baseball so I have to say they both have done a great job. Devin has finally gotten to where he'll hit the ball during games, and he's doing so much better fielding than he used to. Needless to say, Marcus took to it like a duck to water.
But it has been benefitial for both of them. Devin has learned that if you get hit by the ball, it may hurt for a little while, but the pain goes away, he's been hit twice in the side of the head (thank God for helmets) and the side while trying to bat, once in the thigh while running from second to third, and once in the mouth while trying to catch a pop fly after it bounced off the ground. I have to say though, he was a trooper each time. He kept playing and never let it bother him. When he got hit in the mouth, he threw it to second right after it happened and never expected practice to stop. I was so proud of him and at the same time it took everything in me to not run out there and check on him, but I didn't. He was with the guys and didn't need momma babiing him. I may not like it, but I understand it. I let the coach make sure he was okay and stayed sitting on the bleachers. Even the coach was impressed by him that day.
Anyway, I'm about to go to town in a little while. I hope you have a blessed day.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Justice For Lucky
I realize I don't usually tell stories like this one, but this story has made me so mad that I just had to share it. Let me introduce you to Lucky. I'm not sure what kind of dog he is, probably just an old mixed breed, but he was found the other day in a dumpster, in a plastic bag, with duct tape taped around his mouth and one leg partially off. The way they made it sound, his leg was still there, but just barely hanging on. If that's not bad enough, it's believed he was used to train fighting dogs. The vet that's been taking care of him was trying to get a prostetic leg for him, but it's been determined that it's not going to work out that way, his leg is in too bad of a condition for it to work. Now they are going to have to take the rest of the leg off, but other than that, he's reported to be in better shape. They believe he'll live. If you would like to read more about Lucky, just click the link provided.
How can a human being do this to an animal. I don't know if I've told you or not, but I have a dog. His name is Tigger, my husband named him that, don't ask me why. This dog has been great. Anyway, most dogs I've found have been good, loving critters, most especially if you show them love. They're great companions and protectors, to name a few. No animal, no matter what kind, deserves to be treated like this! I just don't understand letting an animal suffer for no reason. You can tell by the picture of him that he had to be in a lot of pain when he was found.
I'll get off my soapbox for now. I just had to vent for a little while. I hope you have a great day and when you pray, please say a prayer for Lucky. He needs it.
God Bless.
How can a human being do this to an animal. I don't know if I've told you or not, but I have a dog. His name is Tigger, my husband named him that, don't ask me why. This dog has been great. Anyway, most dogs I've found have been good, loving critters, most especially if you show them love. They're great companions and protectors, to name a few. No animal, no matter what kind, deserves to be treated like this! I just don't understand letting an animal suffer for no reason. You can tell by the picture of him that he had to be in a lot of pain when he was found.
I'll get off my soapbox for now. I just had to vent for a little while. I hope you have a great day and when you pray, please say a prayer for Lucky. He needs it.
God Bless.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
About my Story
Well I've finally have the finished copy ready for everyone to get. Here's a little bit about it. I know I had fun writting it and feel you'll have just as much fun reading it. Just remember, it's aimed towards children.
If you're interested in buying a copy, the price is $4.95 and since it's going to be email, there is no shipping. you can email me and I'll send you an invoice. Just go to my contact page and write The Princess and the Sea in the subject line.
I hope you have a blessed day.
- There once was a princess whose fondest wish was to swim in the sea, but she wasn't even allowed to go near any large body of water. Her father refused to let her until after she had turned 13, which in only a week away.
Unknown to her father, an old woman is trying to talk the princes into going against her father's wishes.
Who will she listen to? Why does her father refuse to let her go near the sea until she turns 13? Come join us and see.
If you're interested in buying a copy, the price is $4.95 and since it's going to be email, there is no shipping. you can email me and I'll send you an invoice. Just go to my contact page and write The Princess and the Sea in the subject line.
I hope you have a blessed day.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Church Burnings in Alabama
I know you've heard all about it in the news lately. We've had 10 different churches burnt here in the past few weeks and as a fellow Alabamaian and Christian, I felt I had to do something to help. I've gotten with my local news channel and asked them to send me the information to send donations to them. As soon as I have this information, I will be sure to pass it on to you. I've also added a page that will have that information. You will find it here: Church Burnings in Alabama and How to Help. If you want to send a donation to these people, I've listed 3 different ways that you can.
God Bless. I hope you have a great day.
God Bless. I hope you have a great day.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
I've mentioned this before, but here it goes again.
I've completed my first children's book, which I plan to sell on my site as soon as I can get some drawings done for it. And as I've told you before, I can't draw a straight line even with a ruler, so you know I won't be doing the drawings. I'm in the process of talking to a friend of mine about it.
It's about a girl who is turning 13 and she's faced with a difficult decision. I'll tell you more about in my next post. It will be an ebook so you can only get it online. I'll keep you informed on what's going on with it, so keep checking back.
I hope you have a blessed day. God be with you.
It's about a girl who is turning 13 and she's faced with a difficult decision. I'll tell you more about in my next post. It will be an ebook so you can only get it online. I'll keep you informed on what's going on with it, so keep checking back.
I hope you have a blessed day. God be with you.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Would I have done differently?
I don't know if you ever watch CSI or not, but it's one of my favorite shows. Anyway, a few weeks ago they showed a young girl that had hair all over and how her mom left, letting the girl think she had died, because she couldn't handle it. It wasn't the girl she and her condition that she couldn't handle so much as the way people treated her. It caused the girl to stay inside all the time and let mom handle everything.
Now the first thing I thought when I saw that was, "How can a mother do that to her child?" (You've probably done the same thing.) But after I had thought about it for a while, I wondered, would I have done the same thing or would I have stuck by my child? It's easy to say what I would have done, considering I'm not in that position. It amazes me how I look at things right off the bat instead of thinking things through and trying to put myself in that person shoes. I try to tell myself that I'm not judgemental, but after this little episode, I wonder. I didn't like what I learned about myself that night. I found out that I do judge people and situations.
I realize that I might not be painting a good picture of myself, but I wanted to let you know about this anyway. It's made me take a hard look at myself.
I hope you have a blessed day. God be with you always.
Now the first thing I thought when I saw that was, "How can a mother do that to her child?" (You've probably done the same thing.) But after I had thought about it for a while, I wondered, would I have done the same thing or would I have stuck by my child? It's easy to say what I would have done, considering I'm not in that position. It amazes me how I look at things right off the bat instead of thinking things through and trying to put myself in that person shoes. I try to tell myself that I'm not judgemental, but after this little episode, I wonder. I didn't like what I learned about myself that night. I found out that I do judge people and situations.
I realize that I might not be painting a good picture of myself, but I wanted to let you know about this anyway. It's made me take a hard look at myself.
I hope you have a blessed day. God be with you always.
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